Saturday night I eat at Le Provencal on Namphu Square and went for pizza, I need a days break from rice and noodles. It was very good with anchovies and olives and spicy sausage. The effects of all the travelling caught up with me and after a few Beer Laos was tucked up in bed at about 22:00.
Sunday woke up at about six a clock and went for a stroll around down by the Mekong but not a lot doing at that time. The laos people seem tohave retained a lot of the beter frenc influences like long lunch hours, siestas and Sunday closing. Founf a cafe open at about 09:00 and sat around drinking Cafe Laos and eating some eggs and baguettes.
Walked to the morning market and on to Patouxai - a large victory arch. From here I jumped a tuk tuk to That Louang, the buddhist stupa and national symbol of Laos.
I forgot to mention that Saturday early evening I got completely lost. Once you get away from the familiar territory of Setthathilat Road, the Mekong and Namphu area it is easy to become disorientated. Once I realised I was lost I just kept on going and mooching around ten hailed a tuk tuk bachk to Namphu for 6,000 kip. I am quite glad I got lost as I saw many things I might not have seen otherwise.
Went for lunch at Sabaydi Restaurant on Setthathilat Road and had Fried noodles wit chicken (15,000 kip). By then it was becoming hot so sat for a couple of hours in Khop Chai Deu on e of the most popular farang bars with a pleasant outdoor patio. Draft Beer Lao 6,000 kip a glass.
Hired a bicycle for a couple of hours in the afternoon and then decided to investigate getting to Vang Vieng on Monday morning. All travel agents sen to do minibuses for about 45,000 - 50,000 kip or $US5. I was going to just get a bus from the bus station but laziness kicked in and I booked with an agent. The minibus leaves at 10:00.
Went back to the hotel about 16:30 for a shower and a change of clothes then set of along the Mekong to find one of the riverside bars for sunset. Its a good walk past all the drinks and food stalls that set up late after noon then eventually you come to a sring of bars. Got chatting to a couple of aussies who taught at a university in Bangkok and were on a short hop over to Laos. They were good to talk to and we had a laugh over a few Beer laos and some Lao Lao.
I eat at NaZim, an Indian place down by the river on the main drag. Mutton curry, nan bread, rice and a large Beer laos for 37,000 kip. It was excellent.
Its now Monday morning and am typing this as i wait for my bus. I hope all of you at home are enjoying your work!